December 2016
Ben has been promoted to Professor of Biochemistry and Biophysics.
The Garcia Lab returns from a productive P01 Oncohistone grant team meeting at Rockefeller University, where Dylan and Ben presented the latest results.
The Garcia Lab says goodbye to Johayra, who will be moving onto her new position at Absorption Systems Panama, best of luck!
Collaborative work with the Kohli lab (Penn) on TET2 mutants that favor production of specific oxidized methylation products is published in Nature Chemical Biology, a study focused on understanding the cell-cycle control of CENP-A assembly in Molecular Cell, and our viewpoint on the proteomics field is published in the Journal of Cell Biology.
November 2016
Our collaborative study to investigate epigenetic modification patterns in a specific pediatric brain tumor (ependymomas) with the Venneti lab is published in Science Translational Medicine.
The Garcia Lab comes back from the annual Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Department Retreat. We had several posters from Ranran, Peder, Kelly, Mariel, Dylan, Sam, Kevin and Amber, and a talk by Ben.
Amber presented her research progress at the GCB Chalk Talks, nice job.
Lab method papers on enrichment of non-histone lysine methylated peptides by XJ, and combinatorial analysis of histone PTMs by Simone are published in Current Protocols in Protein Science, and Methods in Molecular Biology respectively, congrats.
October 2016
The Garcia Lab welcomes Visiting Professor Julia Pinheiro Chagas Da Cunha (Instituto Butantan, Brazil) for a 3 week stay in the lab.
Our lab’s collaborative studies are published in Molecular Cell. Simone’s work with the Bonasio Lab to map RNA-protein interaction domains, and an investigation with the Allis Lab (Rockefeller University) to understand cellular signaling and chromatin cross-talk during inflammatory stress response.
The Garcia Lab says goodbye to Yumiao, who will be moving to San Diego for the next phase of her career and life, congrats.
Peder presented a poster at the Microbiome Symposium here on campus, nice work.
The Garcia Lab was well represented at the SACNAS National Conference in Long Beach, CA. Mariel and Laura presented posters and Johayra gave a talk.
Lucy Chu has joined the lab as an undergraduate researcher, welcome!
Dylan has passed his 2nd year prelim exam, congrats!
Ben has been named to the Editorial Advisory Board for the Analytical Chemistry journal for a three year term.
September 2016
Mariel, Kelly, Peder, Ranran and Laura (Team MasSpectacular) completed a 10K run, great job!
Ben is elected to the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) governing council (Western Region representative) for a three year term starting January 2017 to December 2019.
The Garcia Lab welcomes first-year BMB graduate student Mariel Mendoza to the group for the fall rotation.
The Garcia Lab welcomes Penn Biotechnology graduate student Dara Hawthorne to the lab for her fall independent study course.
August 2016
Mariel, Johayra and Laura have all been awarded travel fellowships to present their research work at the SACNAS National Conference in October. Congrats everyone!
The Garcia Lab had a fun time at the annual Summer Party. Congratulations to Johayra for taking the Gold Medal in the Bocce Ball Tournament, followed by Simone with the Silver, and Erica and Amber tying for Bronze.
Kelly’s comprehensive protocol paper on histone proteomics methods is published in Methods in Enzymology.
July 2016
Collaborative papers with the Adams Lab (University of Glasgow) and Eckenhoff Lab (Penn) are published in Genome Biology and the Journal of Biological Chemistry, respectively.
The Garcia Lab says goodbye to Visiting Professor Xiaolu Zhao who will be returning to Wuhan University.
Ben gives a talk and receives the Protein Science Young Investigator Award at the 30th Protein Society Symposium in Baltimore, MD.
The Garcia Lab comes backs from another great GRAAM (Garcia, Roeder, Allis, Armstrong, Muir) super chromatin group meeting at Rockefeller University. Johayra represented the lab by presenting her work on fatty-acyl histone modifications.
Kasia’s collaborative work with the Weitzman Lab (CHOP) on the role of protein VII in modulating chromatin structure during adenovirus infection is published in Nature, congrats!
June 2016
Two collaborative grants have been awarded funding. Our internal Penn ITMAT grant with Doug Wallace (CHOP) to study epigenetic effects of mitochondrial dysfunction, and an NIH R21 grant with Chris Pierce (Penn) to investigate cocaine addiction and the epigenome. Congrats all around!
Peder has been awarded a postdoctoral fellowship on the NCI-funded T32 Immunobiology of normal and neoplastic lymphocytes training grant. Congrats!
The Garcia Lab comes back from a fantastic ASMS Conference in San Antonio. We had poster presentations from Mariel, Johayra, Simone, Bhanu, Sam, Zuo-Fei, XJ, Kasia and Amber. Kelly and Ben also gave talks in the protein PTMs and stable isotope labeling sessions.
Simone’s work on quantification of phosphopeptide isomers using data independent acquisition MS is published in Molecular BioSystems, while Xiaoshi’s collaborative work with the Berger and Reinberg lab’s is published in Epigenetics and Chromatin, and Nature, respectively.
Dylan is awarded a Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics training program graduate fellowship. Congrats!
The Garcia Lab welcomes incoming BMB graduate student Yekaterina Kori to the group for a summer rotation.
Ben speaks at Wallingford Elementary School about chemicals and how they affect our lives.
Amber has passed her 2nd year prelim exam, congratulations!
Mariel is awarded an NIH Research Supplement to promote diversity in health-related research to support her PhD studies, congrats!
Graduate student Laura Agosto (BMB) joins the lab (joint student with Kristen Lynch). Welcome to the group!
Amber has been awarded an Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) graduate fellowship in pediatric cancer research, congrats!
May 2016
Shu’s research on asymmetric phosphorylation of old histones is published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, while Simone’s manuscript describing a newer multiplexing data independent acquisition method is accepted by the Proteomics journal.
Ben speaks to students at Strathhaven Middle School about the importance of scientific research for human health during the Dimensions in Living career day.
The Garcia Lab’s first major motion picture is finished starring Kelly, Bhanu and Simone. See our Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) publication and video demonstrating our Bottom Up MS protocol for histone PTM analysis.
Mariel and Kevin have passed their 2nd year prelim exams, congratulations!
Our collaborative study to understand the effects of histone H3K36 mutations in sarcomas is published in Science.
The Garcia Lab says goodbye to Tara who has finished her undergraduate studies at Penn and will be off to graduate school at Columbia University, congrats!
Collaborative studies with the Witze lab (Penn) and Dou lab (Michigan) are published in Molecular Cell. These studies feature experiments performed by Garcia Lab members Bhanu, Xing-Jun and Qi.
Mariel has been awarded a Delaware Valley Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group travel award to present her poster at the upcoming 64th American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference. Congratulations!
Edwin has been awarded an NIH NRSA F31 Graduate Fellowship, congrats!
Simone has been awarded a New Jersey Section American Chemical Society Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group travel award to present his poster at the 64th American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference. Congrats!
April 2016
Xiaoshi’s paper on GlcNAc dynamics is accepted by Molecular and Cellular Proteomics.
The Garcia lab says goodbye to Dr. Xiaoshi Wang who will be starting the next phase of her career at Novavax, congratulations!
The Garcia Lab comes backs from a productive GRAAM (Garcia, Roeder, Allis, Armstrong, Muir) super chromatin group meeting at Princeton University. Yumiao represented the lab by presenting her work on cellular signaling into chromatin.
Dr. Ranran Wu joins the Garcia Lab as a Postdoctoral Scientist, welcome!
March 2016
The new Penn SOM Quantitative Proteomics Core is officially open. Dr. Xing-Jun Cao will oversee the core as the Technical Director, and Dr. Rong Meng has started as a Research Specialist.
Anna’s paper combining click chemistry and mass spectrometry to investigate newly synthesized histones is now published in ACS Chemical Biology.
The Garcia Lab attends the US HUPO Conference in Boston. We had featured talks by Simone and Kelly, and “lightning” talks by Sam and Kasia. Zuo-Fei, Sam, Kasia and Bhanu also presented posters, and Ben led an evening workshop. All in all, it was a fantastic combination of great science and a good time.
John has been awarded a K12 Paul Calabresi Career Development Award for Clinical Oncology, congratulations!
Graduate student Dylan Marchione (PGG) joins the Garcia Lab, welcome!
The special issue of Molecular and Cellular Proteomics (MCP) focused on Chromatin Biology and Epigenetics where Ben was a special guest editor is now published! Check out the special cover image artwork commissioned for this issue which had significant input from Ben and Simone.
Yumiao’s chemical proteomics approach to map signaling pathway interactions with chromatin is published in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics.
Collaborative studies to understand global lysine methylation and intact histone proteoforms are published in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. These publications feature research by Kelly, Mariel, Simone and Xing-Jun, congrats.
February 2016
Team Oncohistone (Congcong, Johayra, Bhanu, Simone and Zuo-Fei) had a productive kickoff meeting with the other NIH P01 grant team labs (Dave Allis, Tom Muir, Peter Lewis and Nada Jabado labs) up at Rockefeller University. Progress on understanding the epigenetic aspects of childhood brain and other cancers will be updated at
The Garcia lab presents in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Department Friday research discussion. Marial and Yumiao presented their latest results from their studies, nice job!
Ben Garcia has won the 2016 Young Investigator Award from The Protein Society. Read the Penn press release here.
New Postdoctoral researcher Peder Lund joins the Garcia lab.
Michelle’s work on the role of histone H4 acetylation and their reader Brd4 in embryonic stems cells is published in BMC Genomics.
Visiting Professor Dr. Xiaolu Zhao arrives in the lab, welcome!
Bhanu’s research on identifying epigenetic signatures during stem cell renewal and differentiation is published in Proteomics.
January 2016
The Garcia lab welcomes rotation students Keith Campagno and Ziyang Xu to the lab.
We welcome our new postdoc Dr. Yanping Lin to the lab.