December 2010
Ben Garcia, David Botstein, Josh Rabinowitz and Leonid Kruglyak have received an Agilent Thought Leader Award to support their collaborative work in systems biology.
Barry Zee has been named a “Young Investigator” by the Bioanalysis journal published by Future Science Publishing, Congrats.
November 2010
Congratulations to Rosie Molden who has passed her general exam!
September 2010
Ben Garcia is named an NIH Director’s New Innovator award recipient (
July 2010
Ben Garcia attends the Molecular and Cellular Proteomics/ASBMB guidelines committee meeting for refining principles and defining needs for data/results repositories and peptide/protein post-translational modification documentation held in Boston, MA.
Ben Garcia attends the British Society for Proteome Research Conference held in Cambridge, United Kingdom. Ben gives a Keynote talk on recent work involving histones and cancer.
June 2010
Congratulations to high school student Neeli Mishra, who has graduated and will be attending Caltech in the fall.
May 2010
Congratulations to undergraduates Ian Flaniken and Rebecca Levin who have graduated and will be moving on to medical school at the University of Alabama and graduate school at UCSF, respectively.
Graduate students Laura-Mae Britton, Michelle Gonzales and Daniel Wolle (joint with Paul Schedl) join the group, welcome and get to work!!
The group attends the annual American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference in Salt Lake City, UT. Nicolas Young and Barry Zee present posters on their work.
Postdoctoral researcher Eric Chan joins the group.
April 2010
Another congratulations to Barry Zee for being awarded a New Jersey Section American Chemical Society Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group travel award to present his poster at the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference in May.
Ben Garcia attends the Experimental Biology Meeting held in Anaheim, CA. Ben gives an invited short talk in the “New Frontiers in Quantitative Proteomics” session.
Congratulations to Barry Zee for being awarded an NSF Predoctoral Fellowship!
Ben Garcia attends and gives the Plenary Lecture at the 10th Annual Korean Human Proteome Organization (KHUPO) International Conference held at the Seoul National University, South Korea.
March 2010
Neeli Mishra wins multiple awards including the Grand Prize at the 57th Mercer Science and Engineering Fair. This qualifies her to compete at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in San Jose, CA. Congrats Neeli!
Ben Garcia is named an Associate Editor of BMC Genomics (Proteomics section).
February 2010
Peter DiMaggio and Nicolas Young have both been awarded National Institutes of Health F32 NRSA Postdoctoral Fellowships. Congrats guys!
Ben Garcia is named an Emerging Investigator by the Molecular Biosystems Journal
Undergraduates Paolo Esquivel (’11), Ying Fan (’11), Michael O’Donnell (’11) and Erick Kazarian (’12) join the group.
January 2010
Postdoctoral researcher Peter DiMaggio joins the group.
Ben Garcia attends the Keystone Symposium on Chromatin Structure and Regulation held in Taos, NM. Ben gives an invited talk about the quantitative analysis of histone modifications.
Rebecca Levin wins a Sigma Xi Grant-in-aid of research for her undergraduate research work.
Graduate student Anna Arnaudo joins the group.
Adam Evertts and Barry Zee pass their General Exams, they are now official!!
Mariana Plazas-Mayorca successfully defends her PhD dissertation to become the first PhD graduate from the group. She is now off to her postdoc position at Penn State University.