December 2009
Graduate student Rosie Molden joins the group.
November 2009
Ben Garcia is awarded a National Science Foundation Faculty Early CAREER award.
The Garcia group receives a New Jersey Commission on Cancer Research Seed Grant to study epigenetic changes in cancer cells.
Ben Garcia is invited to sit on an NIH review panel for high end instrumentation (mass spectrometry) for shared instrumentation grants under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
The Garcia group’s research work in collaboration with the Floudas group (Chem. Eng.) is featured on the Princeton University website (
October 2009
Ben Garcia and Gary Leroy attend the ThermoFisher Mass Spectrometry Group Discussion meetings in Somerset, NJ and Boston, MA. Ben gives invited talks about the group’s current research.
The Garcia group along with the Floudas (Chem. Eng.) and Rabinowitz (Chemistry and Genomics) groups are awarded a National Science Foundation Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation grant under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
September 2009
Ben Garcia attends the Ninth International Symposium on Mass Spectrometry in the Health & Life Sciences: Molecular & Cellular Proteomics in San Francisco, CA. Ben gives an invited talk on quantitative proteomics applied to histone research.
August 2009
Nicolas Young’s paper is published in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics and is immediately named a Faculty of 1000 “Must Read” article (
The Garcia group and Constellation Pharmaceuticals begin collaboration on histone modifications and modifying enzymes in disease.
July 2009
Undergraduate Surabhi Srivastava (Pace University), and high school students Elyse Sartor and Stephen Fredericks join the group for summer research.
Postdoctoral researcher Gary Leroy “officially” joins the group.
June 2009
Graduate students Adam Evertts (joint with the Coller lab) and Barry Zee join the group.
Princeton undergraduate Georgia Yang (’12) joins the group.
Ben Garcia is awarded the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Research award.
Nicolas Young and Ben Garcia present oral presentations at the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference in Philadelphia, PA. Peter DiMaggio, Mariana Plazas-Mayorca and Zia Kahn also attend to present posters on their work.
May 2009
Ben Garcia is invited to participate on a committee to draft revised guidelines for publication of proteomic data for the Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Journal and the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Mariana Plazas-Mayorca is awarded a New Jersey Section American Chemical Society Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group travel award to present her poster at the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Conference.
March 2009
Neeli Mishra wins multiple awards at the 56th Mercer Science and Engineering Fair for High School Students for her research work in the group.
January 2009
Princeton undergraduates Rebecca Levin (’10) and Ian Flaniken (’10) join the group.