First Annual BMB 500 Race in 2018 Inaugural BMB 500 racing competition. Garcia lab members Mariel M and Mariel C finished in 8th and 4th, respectively.
Prelim Exams in 2018 The Garcia Lab celebrates our 3 second year students (Mariel, Yekaterina and Richard) all passing their prelim exams, congrats!
Bring your child to work day in 2018 Alina Garcia works for a day in the lab (learning about Epigenetics, she’s a “ChIP” off the old block!”)
New Lab Members Join in 2018 New instruments finally arrive, and we say goodbye to our Orbitrap Elite.
Kelly’s Thesis Defense in 2018 Kelly Karch becomes the 8th student to earn her PhD from the Garcia Lab (Feb. 2018)