News in 2023
July 2023
Training for lab members. Joanna L. and Kirill attend the MS Summer School in Madison, WI, and Francesca attends the Skyline User course in Seattle, WA.
The lab welcomes two new postdocs to the group, Carolina Bras and Bibhuti Palai!
June 2023
The Garcia Lab returns from a successful ASMS Conference. Several members presented posters, and Ben, Joanna L. and Axe gave user meetings talks.
Congrats to Axe for winning the ASMS Postdoctoral Career Development Award.
Congrats to Francisca for winning a BMB Department Professional Devlopment Award
The lab welcomes our newest graduate student to the lab, Kirill Miachin, who will be working on his MD/PhD.
May 2023
Congrats to Tom for being selected as a BMB Department Research Seed grant winner.
March 2023
The Garcia Lab returns from a great US HUPO Conference where we had several poster and lightning talk presentations. Ben wins a best lightning talk award for his “histone rap”.
New tools for RNA sequencing and modification mapping are published in Analytical Chemistry.
January 2023
The Garcia lab welcomes Joanna G. (Joey) to the lab as our new Technician.
Joanna L. publishes a review on histone modification crosstalk in the Biochemical Journal.